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The cover of this movie did not really inspire me to watch it, however, as it was a quiet night and we had borrowed some movies from a relative to get through the “post-surgery-getting-better time”, we decided to give it a go.

When they say “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”, I would like to add that the same goes for movies!

This movie has etched its way up to one of the top of my list! it is one of the very most entertaining movies I have ever seen. I was in tears laughing at parts of it.

The movie takes place in a tiny, quirky little town in Ireland where the inhabitants are primarily senior, are undoubtedly odd, opinionated and completely unique in character.

I don’t want to give away the movie, so I would rather not even tell the main theme of the movie, but I will summarize in simply saying… “watch it”!

And have a great time of it too!